Produced by NOVARE Investments (PDFs) - Includes Assessment

Unit Trusts - Currently the most common CISs in South Africa.Originally these were designed to give ordinary people access to the JSE.The average investor does not usually have sufficient money to buy a spread of quality shares (and a range of shares is important to reduce risk). Via a unit trust an investor can own part of a diversified, professionally managed blue-chip portfolio by investing a modest amount of money, either once-off or on a monthly basis.

1_What is a Collective Investment Scheme_final.pdf
2_How does a Unit Trust Fund work_final.pdf
4_Classification of Collective Investments_final.pdf
3_Important Features of Collective Investments_final.pdf
5_Novare Unit Trust Product Offering_final.pdf
6_Investment Risk_final.pdf
7_The Benefits of Multi-Management_for input.pdf
8_Multi-manager, FOF or single-manager.pdf
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